Monday 27 February 2012

Youtube Account Created

I have created a youtube account so that we can broadcast our masterpiece to the world! we have sent around the URL to people asking for some feedback so fingers crossed we will get some interesting feedback. The name of our Youtube account is "WindowViewProductio1"

Timeline for this week

Thursday 23 February 2012

To Do List

Here is a to do list of things we need to do between us labelled who needs to do them and when by.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Individual contribution to group

We filmed our opening sequence, across two day.

On the first day of filming we shot and planned most of our opening sequence and credits.

 We both set up the scene and decided where the props would be positioned in each shot.
Georgina focus on the camera, using a tripod and a light placed on top of the camera which James decided created eery shadows, to create atmosphere within the scenes.

 Using the camera Georgina was able to play around with the focus to create eye vision like shots, we decided she would be best for the camera job as she does photography and is used to using cameras.

James focused on the lighting within each scene to create tension and atmosphere. We wanted some scenes to be darker to make it look at night or a dream.

We both directed the shoot, we put forward our ideas and decided together which one we thought would look best We are both very creative and have big imaginations so it was very easy working with James, we work well together and have a good bond which makes it easy and we never fall out over anything.

We did one reshot, and added in a dream scene which helps build up the character, without dialogue. I'm glad we added this as it really helps to create tension and suspense and it cut from real life to the dream.