Friday 16 December 2011

Camera collected, Ready to Shoot

Iv collected the camera and other equiptment were going to need when shooting our opening sequence over the christmas period, 21/12/11 and 31/12/11. I am know looking forward to shooting the opening sequence and making a excellent opening sequence (figures crossed!).

Infancide Target Audience

Our film is targeted at both genders as it will have not only action and violence but also an emotional plot that the main detective has to overcome. Our films targeted at Men and women aged from 18 and over. if it was leaning over to eaither sex it would be male as thriller films just have every aspect that a man looks for in a film such as action, tension and psychological plots.

Problems we came up against whilst filming parity

When filming our parity we came up against 3 problems.

1- the first problem we came up against was how busy the goals mens toilets were, this was a problem as georgina had to keep leaving the toilets everytime a man came by. Due to this we had to take quite a few breaks from filming so the overall filming time was longer

2- The second Problem we had was the tripod and how it cannot pan around the room you can only do still shots with it and in the parity we were remaking this was no good, we had to film the whole sequemce handheld.

3- Our third problem was when filming we held the camera portrait angle for some shots, but for the most of them we held it landscape. When we got back to edit our work some of the shots were rotated on their side due to how we had held the camera and this was a problem because we didnt know how to rotate them back, we watched a few tutorials on youtube and then understand how to do it.

Weather checks

We do not need to check what the weather is going to be like when filming on the 21/12/11 and 31/12/11. As all of our shot are established inside, and will not be affected by the outside weather.

Test Shots

These are test shot of the actors with there names and the roles they are playing within our opening sequence.




Location - 15 Eagles Road, Greenhithe
                  Kent, DA9 9QZ

  After asking Georgina's dad for permission, we went to Georgina's house to chose the best rooms to film our opening sequence in. We have chosen one of the lounges with is not decorated and we have taken down all the pictures and family stuff that was in the room. So it know looks like a unhomely room in which the Detective lives.

   These are some photo's of our room for the 'Opening credits' and 'Waking up' scenes. Unfortunately there are boxes in the room as storage but they are being moved by the weekend so this will not be a problem. 

  The second location is in her office, in which we are going to turn into a interview room. We chose this room as it is at the back of the house and does not have big windows so it will look dark, which will build suspense. We will clear this room full of the items and storage it has in it at the moment.
  These are photograph of the room we are using for the 'Interview' scene;

  We chose these two locations as they are appropriate to our opening sequence, we also wanted to chose a location that would make our film look like a real film rather than a student project. 


We are filming at 15 Eagles Road Greenhithe Kent, DA9 9QZ. This is Georgina's house so we did not need to email anybody for permission, we just asked her father and he said that it is fine to shoot the opening sequence in his house.

Thursday 15 December 2011

Asset list

Shoot and Edit Schedule

For filming we both think it's appropriate to make a schedule for filming so that things run smoothly and all goes to plan. It is just a rough guide of time, so we can refer to this as well as the storyboard so we know where everyone needs to be at what times. We have established that these times will be correct for how long everything will take as we have experienced from filming other opening sequence like 'Parody' and 'Dexter'. 

Production Logo

This is the first draft of our production logo. I created this composition on Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. Our ideas for our production logo came to use when discussing ideas sitting next to a window with the sun shining outside. We then thought about what could be outside the window, we chose a beach scene as to use it means outside the window there is all this great inspiration and ideas for when making and producing a film. The production name then came to us 'Window View Productions'. 

Infantcide Detective Costume Research

I have been looking at what we should make our detective wear, I was looking at the detectives in shutter island and the trench coats that they wear, along with the scruffy shirt and tie showing that its a hard job. this picture is a perfect example of what i would like our detective to look like.

Our detective has had a hard life so he needs to look very run down, we are also going to have him to waking up to the phone ringing and you will see the state of his room showing empty fast food boxes and empty bottles of alcohol to show he is an alcoholic and not a stereotypical well presented and professional detective.

We have a black suit available to wear underneath the black trench coat. i have a black trench coat that i just have in my wardrobe and georginas dad has a black suit.

For the Little boy that the detective sees in the mirror we are going to have him wearing pyjamas as this signifies innocence and then the fact that they will be bloodstained will tell the audience that this child was murdered brutally. we might even have the child holding a teddy bear to add more innocence.

Georginas Little brother has pyjamas so we have them available along with the teddy bear. 

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Talking about our storyboard/Animatic

Remake of 'Parity' (Other student's work)

This is the video that we did shot by shot remake for;

Georgina's thoughts on the remake video of student's work

We have remade a opening sequence of other student's work, we have posted the location that we shot this short video in as they best represented the same toilets that the student's used in there video. I think our video works well, we chose an actor to play the main role in this scene so that our video would be more realistic and the emotion and tension in the scene would be more understanding to the audience as you can see it on the actors face.
 From making this opening sequence we have worked out that it is not as affective recording from two angles, e.g rotating the camera to create the shot because when it goes into final cut it is difficult to rotate the clip also to the audience the frame looks out of place. This did mean that we learnt some more skills on final cut, as we had to watch some helpful skills videos on youtube.
 We have not put music over the scene, which is not effective. The music is a important part in creating tension within a scene, because as the music builds the situation and shot represent this. For our own opening sequence we will use music and add foley into our scene's to create the tension and atmosphere that we want to create within our thriller.

This is the real video that we did the shot for shot remake;

Monday 12 December 2011

Risk Assessment

Shot List

The First Shots we are going to film are the waking up after the Opening titles as they need to be in the daylight as they shot needs to be well lit and that is the time of day in the shot, we will be filming shots 14 too 24 in this time-space.

We will film shots 25 too 29 after the waking up sequence as we we will need daylight as it is right after the waking up sequence. you wont really be able to tell the time of day due to there not being any windows (Interview room) but even so we are going to film them at this time to simplify things.

When it starts to get darker we will shoot 1 too 13 as it is going to be a dark in the opening credits to create mystery as you cant see who is in the shot.