Tuesday 13 December 2011

Georgina's thoughts on the remake video of student's work

We have remade a opening sequence of other student's work, we have posted the location that we shot this short video in as they best represented the same toilets that the student's used in there video. I think our video works well, we chose an actor to play the main role in this scene so that our video would be more realistic and the emotion and tension in the scene would be more understanding to the audience as you can see it on the actors face.
 From making this opening sequence we have worked out that it is not as affective recording from two angles, e.g rotating the camera to create the shot because when it goes into final cut it is difficult to rotate the clip also to the audience the frame looks out of place. This did mean that we learnt some more skills on final cut, as we had to watch some helpful skills videos on youtube.
 We have not put music over the scene, which is not effective. The music is a important part in creating tension within a scene, because as the music builds the situation and shot represent this. For our own opening sequence we will use music and add foley into our scene's to create the tension and atmosphere that we want to create within our thriller.

This is the real video that we did the shot for shot remake;


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